Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The best season ...

    I used to be a summertime kinda guy, but these days I have shifted my preference. I really look forward to this time of the year. It kicks off with Mitchell's birthday and Halloween, then comes Thanksgiving, then Emilee's birthday, then Christmas ... and then another brand new year appears out of nowhere, full of possibilities and new memories.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


    They tire me, they have no value without some type of emotion or action. It has frequently occured to me that the more knowledge we posses, the less we actually have to say.

    Funny, I find myself speaking frequently, and for extended periods of time ... so to apply my recent logic, I must be lacking quite a bit of knowledge. Interesting thought, I dunno, maybe it doesn't compute, but there is the possibility that we speak to learn. Maybe we speak from fear. Maybe we speak because we simply dont know what else to do.