Sunday, June 28, 2009

P.S. I Love You ...

Interestingly enough, tonight after returning the children to "the demon", I arrived home and did a few things, and then as it was time to settle in, she says "put in P.S. I Love You" ... Here's the thing, my LEAST favorite movies are "chick flicks", but I gotta say it is one of my all time favorite movies. If you have not watched it ... go get it, and watch it. It is the type of movie that, if you stop, watch, listen, and think ... it has the potential to help you see things that are otherwise missed. It has the potential to change your life ... I believe in ART, I believe that the purpose of art in this world, is to help us see, help us grow as people. There is music that will do that, there are movies that will do that, there are millions of photos and paintings that will do it .... but here is the wrinkle, none of it will do a damn thing for you if you don't take the time to notice, or appreciate it .... I urge you to stop, take the time, and "notice"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What is the sum ...

When you add it all up, how does it total out .... tell me that. I have been pondering that throughout the recent weeks and I ask YOU .... how does it all total up for you? I have seen more in my days thusfar than I would have liked. It certainly could have been worse, I have not had a "bad" life thusfar, by my estimation, but nonetheless there are a few things I would rather have not learned so early. I am not in the mood to blog about those specific issues. At this point, I am more inclined to ponder/ post this thought for you reader ..... How does it sum up ..... When you total the positives and negatives of your past and present, how does it sum up? If we really want to get "real", lets factor in our perception of our future .... so simply put, stop and think, when you consider your past, your present, and your future how do you view it .... are you "in the black" .... are there more positives than negatives? Be careful, mood plays a part in this analysis ... When we are cross, it is easier to dismiss the positives and focus on the negatives ... When we are filled with bliss, it is simpler to gloss over the negatives and be consumed with positives alone. I urge you to catch yourself in an "honest" moment and reflect. Check your total, and balance your book ... if the total isn't where it should be, adjust ....

No new blogs .... abundance of new thought

Here's the deal ... I have been wrapped in turmoil for FAR too long ... there are those that insist on dragging me back ... helping me up ... and dusting me off .... To be quite honest I have not been in the mood to sit down, and dig in, and process my thoughts and emotion over the last few weeks ...... but its coming