Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I got married. I keep saying it because quite frankly I don't know if it has settled in yet or what. Fact is I LOVE and ADORE my wife. Long before I married her I knew she was my future, so in a way the marriage itself was a matter of destiny. I must admit though, it has a wonderful ring to it. Using the words "my wife", fill me with pride, knowing I have the honor of referring to her in that manner. She is the most incredible woman I have ever known, and I find myself in awe of her strength, beauty, and kindness on a daily basis.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Almost Wedding Time

The wedding is drawing near, I am excited. I look forward to celebrating with our family and friends. I have truly enjoyed helping (what little bit I have) to plan this event. I am so blessed to have met Jill, she is the most amazing woman I have ever known. I look forward to each and every day that I share with her. She has transformed my life in so many ways, just by simply being who she is. I am far from perfect, and so is she, but she is perfect FOR ME. That is the best way I know to summarize how I feel about her. The first word that always pops to mind is perfect. I honestly think that ours is a perfect love, two people with flaws, that when combined become so much more than they could hope to be, standing alone. I love her with all my heart, and will forever and beyond. I cannot wait until the wedding and that moment when she officially becomes my wife.