I must admit that I am guilty of over-thinking. I am am frequently reminded when debating a topic that I have an odd perspective on most things. I find that while I can generally understand how others view things, I consistently catch myself coming from a different angle.
This can be very tiring indeed. Mentally it is taxing at times, to be trying to explain your point of view, and also have people seemingly compelled to explain their views as though you are incapeable of understanding.
Now I realize that it is a fine line that I am describing whereby simply expressing a different opinion generally prompts people to explain. This is compounded by having strong feelings and speaking with passion.
I had the pleasure of sharing company with a wise man last night that will be marrying Jilly and I. He is the type of guy that has a million wise words/thoughts to ponder, if you take the time to catch the bits he throws out.
One thing I noticed on a couple occasions during our conversation with him was that he made mention of "proper communication" and "good listening skills" and he seemed to stress the importance of talking to people not talking AT people. I believe he chose to use the term "trumpeting something out".
I enjoy being reminded of these things. Communication is something that I truly believe that people do not pay nearly enough attention to. It is far too easy to get wrapped up in our own "way" to take the time to actually consider other people and their "way".
Take Care of You
5 years ago