My mind has been consumed with a thought today. I have been trying to get a bead on this and simplify it a bit prior to blogging about it, but it is rich with complexity and beautiful because of it. If I had to state it simply its that "true love has come into my life and shown me the limitless possibilities that exist when another person fills you with the desire to be more than you are". My Jilly came into my life during the darkest days I have ever known. She found me broken and battered, really just a shell of a man. Somehow she saw more in me, I am still trying to figure out what drew her to me. I knew very quickly after we met that there was not another person on the planet that meshed with me the way she does.
I have written about this in the past, but just in case you missed the previous installments .... The recap is; She taught me that the "Disney Fairytail Romance" does exist ... Not because she told me it existed, not because she even seemed to believe it existed herself, she taught me by simply being the wonderful perfectly imperfect person that she is ... I was of the mindset, prior to my union with this wonderful woman, that "love" was simply two people that shared an attraction and didnt annoy each other to an intolerable point. I had that "relationships are work" mindset, and dont get me wrong, relationships DO require work.
Being with the right person makes that work something that you "want" to do. Instead of being something you do because you fell you "have" to. When I wake up in the morning and I look at that gorgeous woman laying next to me, and I get excited about the chance to share another day with her. The minutes that I spend apart from her are marked by my constant thoughts of her and longing to be back in her presence. I love her with all my heart, and that love was not something that I had to "choose to give her". My heart lept from my chest and became hers without even giving me the chance to question or second guess .... While that may sound reckless to some, rest assured my friends I have NO DOUBT that my heart has always belonged to her, I just needed some time to find her and return it to her.
I hope all my friends have found, or will find, a love like this one some day ... it is what we all deserve, but I urge you that haven't to be patient .... it truly is worth waiting for ... don't settle and sell yourself short .......... I had a phrase form in my head recently, and I posted it as my facebook staus, its worth repeating .... "Live as if your future will be determined by your choices, and love like tomorrow may not come"
Take Care of You
5 years ago